jeremy & sophia from region 3 : )
jeremy was practising ,while sophia kept complaining 'i m dam sleepy' xD
as usuall lar...hehe :( chris & gini we are waiting for u guys ...faster come !!! went to bed ... later on : ) 2nd day awaits ....
DAY 2.......
well,woke up at around 7 am , jeremy's alarm creeps me out !! cause it's a ghost voice ringtone as alarm wtf? woke up ,wash up , then went to wake sophia up ...dat sleepy head x)
hurry!! we need to wash up too xD hehe .after washing up ,went jogging with Azizi : ) hehe
oh well, after sweating ,came back to the studio and bath
aha..after we bath, rest in the studio, Azizi went online to reply comments
sophia : ) with the pupp!!
left teoh gini from penang : ( she's on the bus hehe ,then we cant wait anymore went for breakfast without GINI : (
: )
i still remember justin's maggi wasn't that nice, maybe different cheef dunoe how to cook xD but i ate alot of it =x hungry kut....
practising here without you : D
finally!! our last finallist !!!
TEOH GINI!!! had finally arrived!!! x)
ops,dont have a proper picture,this will just do ,hehe
everyone meet gini,gini,and gini xD
hehe,went for lunch after that ,heaven rain begins to fall +.+
went to mamak again ate lunch : ) back to studio again @.@
hehe,nothing much to say about that..more prac and prac and we found some cool stuff in gini's bag : )
hehe,nothing much to say about that..more prac and prac and we found some cool stuff in gini's bag : )
tada!!! pepper spray!!! x) dont mess with her.. or u will be blinded for ,say.. 45 mins? and also sore throat =x hehe
dinner time!! at the blinking crab restaurant x)
now...this is better : ) a snap includes all of us : ) lion marcus and saban too!!! hehe
after makan .went back and more prac!! this time was working more on stage presence : ) hehe need to move around more!!
gini & sophia in training
why is everyone so crazy bout the dog ? xD
hehe,here is a preview of the finalsit video together !!! with a special guest justin!!! must watch!!! : D
hehe,due to some technical problem the vid could not be fully recorded hehe sophia !!! i need the vids in your phone !! send to me asap ya!!! : )
hehe,due to some technical problem the vid could not be fully recorded hehe sophia !!! i need the vids in your phone !! send to me asap ya!!! : )
after that,it was around 10pm ,all went to change and show lion alan our costumes :)
lovely : ) gini!!! whts with ur face xD so ...haha dunoe how to describe x)
me and justin xD
chris n justin
after that,headed to sungei wang ,hell yeah!!! it was kinda late hehe,reach there around,say 1 am?
the stage is set : )
digi celebriteens : )
well,went back to damansara around 3 am,everyone was very tired and sleepy +.+
well i'll stop here , finals be blogged soon : ) till then
isin't it cute : )
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