leo idol 2009 finalist : ) (5th april2009)
hell yeah !!! the bread was black !! >.< , hurriedly check in and bath ...after that,went to this blinking crab restaurant to eat ,and continue our training after that xD
here are some vids of us ... :)
ops.only have gini's one +.+
: ) finally she is being hyper,not as quite as the time when she came ,but
she is still quite and complains about ' i m very sleepyy!!'xD hehe
x) credits to gini ,lala pose wtf? her jacket and , oya where's the lolipop?
:D after that,lion alan came in and have a word with us ,brief us on what to do the next day,after dat ,headed back to the hotel ...:) we were suppose to sleep early and wake up early in the morning around 7am ,bt we didnt want to..so we droop by in the girls room , and started playing games and chat : ) we played an intresting game called 'the ball' everyone was dam blur ,thanks god jeremy got it,thn follow by chris ,gini and poor sophia still cant get it till the next week we meet again xD
so,she went to sleep x)
teoh gini : )
jeremy & chris : )later on, we guys went back to our room n call it a day,hehe get to know the guys much better :D .
(o ya, i foolled u girls good!!! Teoh gini :D )
day 2,
well,like lion marcus said, wake up at 7am ,so we did,hehe woke up,bath and get ready.went over o wake the girls up,: ) then we waited for lion marcus,he called and tell us to go eat first,so headed to a mamak and eat : ) roti telur for everyone,no sambal!!!! >.< ,then headed back to hotel ,and we started singing n camwhore :Dpresenting leo andrew (selangor) lala pose ,credits : teoh gini again +.+
teoh gini :D (penang)
chris saw (selangor) : D he loves his guitar
jeremy goh (ipoh) xD
lastly,our sweet sophia lee (batu gajah)
hehe, and 1 more ...
after that ,went to the studio for more vocals training and check out the number of bags gini brought along with her : )
hehe,went to the studio ,it was training n also PHOTO SHOOT time xD hehe...
who wants a loli x)
jeremy : ) hehe
SNAP!!! took our picture ,hehe then we had a few more snaps with alan's camera :( dont have them T.T
: ) then all of us went for lunch and hang around ,till 7pm we all went home : ( ,had my dinner at the blinking crab restaurant, they went home with lion marcus to ipoh and penang,gonna miss u guys :'( and i wanted dat root bir !!!!! +.+ untill then ~will be updated soon : )
andrew. great to meet u @ leo idol. hrp2 kte blh keluar buat show samer2 one day ya! :)
i hope so too x) hehe see you soon Azizi!! all the best !!! in promoting ur album!! : )
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